[A-Z] [Z-A]

Zoo and Wildlife Chapter

The objectives of the Chapter are to:

  • Advance the science and art of zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Encourage individuals to undertake College examinations in Medicine of Zoo Animals and/or Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • Work towards the establishment of fellowship college examinations in Medicine of Zoo Animals and/or Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • Further the professional education and training of veterinarians with an interest in wildlife and zoo medicine and related discipline
  • Encourage the veterinary teaching institutions to develop undergraduate and postgraduate programs that will promote and expand the quality of training in the field of zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Encourage research in health and disease of zoo and wild animals
  • Encourage the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with an interest in zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Encourage the exchange of knowledge and collaboration with other biological scientists working in the field of zoo and wildlife medicine and conservation biology
  • Encourage high quality and relevant publications in the sphere of zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims
  • Endow Members with a sense of camaraderie, purpose and pride.

The Chapter aims to meet these objectives:

  • through the delivery and promotion of biennial examinations in the two subjects: Medicine of Zoo Animals and Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • by providing guidance and mentoring for prospective members who are looking to undertake College examinations in Medicine of Zoo Animals and/or Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • by convening scientific sessions at Science Week, both in our own right and in collaboration with other Chapters
  • with communication to Chapter members via the email list serve and other means

Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Chapter

The Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Chapter aims to foster interest amongst veterinarians and promote excellence in the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation for both canine and equine patients. This goal will be met by working within the College to provide an examination process that allows recognition of further study in this field.

The objectives of our newly established chapter are:

a) To further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation; by providing continuing education programs in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, and by developing and overseeing the training, mentorship, examination and certification of veterinarians as qualified Australian Specialists in either canine or equine Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.

b) To encourage research in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation;

c) To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation by providing a forum for discussion, regular conference streams, and disseminating relevant information regularly in a newsletter format;

d) To encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other scientists working both within the field of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and other related fields;

e) To encourage publications in the sphere of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and dissemination of this information;

f) To acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

Veterinary Public Health Chapter

Veterinary Public Health (VPH) is that discipline of veterinary science dedicated to improving the physical, mental and social well-being of humans.

VPH draws upon the following areas of knowledge: diagnosis, surveillance, epidemiology, control, prevention and elimination of zoonoses; protection of food (including meat and milk) for human consumption; food and meat science; environmental protection; animal welfare; and the social and behavioural aspects of inter-human and human-animal.

Veterinary Practice Small Animal

The  Chapter allows Veterinarians a pathway to attain Membership of the College in the extensive and challenging field of Small Animal Practice. The Chapter encourages Veterinarians with a broad interest in the profession to consolidate their knowledge and improve the science and art of veterinary science as it specifically relates to Veterinary Practice for canine and feline patients.

The newly established Chapter:

  • Actively promotes and supports Mentorship for Membership candidates.
  • Provides a forum for the presentation of case material, current research and topical issues with a Science Week programme drawing from a wide range of different veterinary subjects.
  • Allows for exchange of ideas and knowledge between Members and the wider veterinary community.
  • Provides camaraderie and a support network for Veterinarians in General Practice.
  • Promotes pride and excellence in our Profession in general and specifically for Veterinarians in General Practice.
  • Promotes and supports General Practice based research, publications and dissemination of this knowledge.

At this time the Chapter only conducts Membership examinations. 

All College Members and Fellows are welcome to join the Chapter. 

Veterinary Pharmacology Chapter

The objectives of the Chapter are:

  • The advancement of the study and understanding of veterinary pharmacology so that the discipline can be applied more effectively for the welfare of animals and man. "Veterinary Pharmacology" embraces chemotherapy, product research and development, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, drug legislation, clinical pharmacology, toxicology and applied immunology.
  • The provision of advice on veterinary pharmacology to the College, other organisations and individual veterinarians and to act as a conduit for the exchange of knowledge between works in the field.
  • The support of continuing education and post-graduate training in veterinary pharmacology.
  • The encouragement and assistance of prospective members in their preparation for examination by the College.
  • The Chapter's activities include organising Scientific Meetings, encouraging publication of veterinary pharmacology articles, and conducting the Veterinary Pharmacology Study course for examination preparation by membership candidates.

Veterinary Oncology

The Chapter aims to foster the professional interest, and high-level education and training of veterinarians in Veterinary Oncology.  These aims are met by working within the College:

  • To provide a training and examination process that allows recognition of further study in the field of companion animal oncology.
  • To encourage cross-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and collaborative work with other College chapters, and clinical or basic biomedical scientists. 

The Chapter:

  • Helps support and guide prospective Fellowship candidates by means of a mentoring system
  • Prepares examinations and organises examiners for rigorous Fellowship examinations.
  • Provides support for members in preparation of material for publication or presentation
  • Provides a forum for presentation of material to peers at regular scientific meetings
  • Provides an email list to members for networking and professional support

Success at the Fellowship examinations allows eligibility for specialist registration. 

Veterinary Dentistry Chapter

The aims of this chapter are to:

  • Encourage scientific investigation and research in the field of Veterinary Dentistry, and a contribution to published professional literature.
  • To encourage individuals to undertake examination at both membership and fellowship levels in Veterinary Dentistry via continuing postgraduate education and self-assessment; and the utilisation of training programs provided by the chapter.
  • To provide continual improvement in practice standards and knowledge of Veterinary Dentistry. These objectives are to be attained in part by offering continuing education, comprising the most recent advances in Veterinary Dentistry, including the aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases.
  • To work closely with the Australian Veterinary Dental Society, other chapters of the Australian College and the Australian and New Zealand Veterinary Associations so as to further our knowledge in the field of Veterinary Dentistry.
  • To encourage the veterinary teaching institutions to develop appropriate, professional teaching programs in order to produce graduates with a higher standard of competency and training in this field.
  • Lastly, to endow its members with a sense of camaraderie, purpose and pride.

Veterinary Behaviour Chapter


To advance the understanding and application of animal behaviour principles. This is both a science and an art.

The Veterinary Behaviour Chapter aims to foster the interest of veterinarians in the understanding of animal behaviour. This aim is met by working within the College to provide an examination process that allows recognition of further study in the field of animal behaviour.

The Chapter:

  • Actively seeks mentors for candidates and supports the formation of mentor groups to provide support and guidance for prospective members.
  • Prepares examinations and organises examiners for Membership candidates. Provides a means of accreditation for veterinarians interested in animal behaviour.
  • Provides a means by which veterinarians can show that they have the skills, knowledge and attitude to be deemed competent in this field.
  • Produces regular newsletters to disseminate relevant information to members and other interested parties.
  • Encourages and provides support for members in preparation of material for publication or presentation.
  • Provides a forum for presentation of material to peers at regular scientific meetings.
  • Facilitates the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians interested in animal behaviour and animal welfare.
  • Provides an advice service to media, dog trainers, veterinarians, veterinary nurses, universities and other interested groups.
  • Encourages exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other groups involved in animal behaviour and animal welfare.
  • Encourages further investigation in the area of animal behaviour using scientific research methods to further knowledge in this field.
  • To increase the profile of animal behaviour as part of veterinary medicine.
  • Aims to acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

In addition the Chapter is responsible for the organisation of Fellowship examinations. Success at these rigorous examinations allows eligibility for specialist registration.

Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Chapter

The Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Chapter of the ANZCVS exists to promote excellence in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia across all species of animals in veterinary clinical practice, teaching and research environments. 

Specifically, we aim to:

  • advance the science and art of veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia
  • further the professional education and training, and facilitate the exchange of knowledge, of veterinarians with a special interest in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia
  • encourage exchange of knowledge and collaborative work with other scientists working in the field of veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia, and
  • encourage research and publication in veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia.

Unusual Pets Chapter

The Unusual Pets Chapter will promote excellence in medicine and surgery of unusual pets, with emphasis on helping candidates prepare for the membership in unusual pet medicine and surgery. The chapter aims to eventually work towards providing a fellowship level qualification.

The objects of the Chapter shall be:

  • Provides a means of accreditation for veterinarians with a professional interest in unusual pet medicine and surgery.
  • Provides a forum for presentation of material to peers at regular scientific meetings.
  • Facilitates the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians interested in unusual pet medicine and surgery.
  • Encourages exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other groups involved in unusual pet health and welfare.
  • Encourages further investigation and scientific publication in the area of unusual pet medicine and surgery.
  • To increase the profile of unusual pet medicine and surgery as part of veterinary medicine. 

Surgery Chapter

The objectives of the Chapter are:

  • To advance the science and art of veterinary surgery.
  • To further the professional education and training of veterinary surgeons.
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinary surgeons.
  • To encourage original research and publication in veterinary surgery.
  • To encourage the establishment of training programmes in surgery, e.g. residency, internships, etc.
  • To establish guidelines for surgical training towards specialist qualifications.
  • To encourage exchange of knowledge, and collaborative work, with other College chapters, human surgeons and other medical and biological scientists.

These aims are met by working within the College to provide:

  • Support and guidance for prospective members by the mentor system.
  • Examinations and examiners for Membership and Fellowship candidates Newsletters to disseminate relevant information to members Support for members in preparation of material for publication or presentation.
  • A forum for presentation of material to peers at regular scientific meetings

Small Ruminant Chapter

The Small Ruminant Chapter will promote excellence in the medicine, surgery and production of sheep, or goats or deer and has the following objectives:

  • to advance the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to Small Ruminants and in particular to encourage and aid recruitment to the discipline, College and the Chapter.
  • to further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in Small Ruminants.
  • to encourage research in Small Ruminants.
  • to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in Small Ruminants.
  • to encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other scientists working in the field of Small Ruminants.
  • to encourage publications in the sphere of Small Ruminants.

Small Animal Medicine Chapter

The Chapter aims to foster the interest of veterinarians in the understanding of small animal diseases. This aim is met by working within the College to provide an examination process that allows recognition of further study in the field of small animal medicine. Members should be familiar with pathophysiological mechanisms, aetiology, diagnosis, and case management of small animal disease. The Chapter:

  • actively seeks mentors for candidates and supports the formation of mentor groups to provide support and guidance for prospective members
  • prepares examinations and organise examiners for Membership candidates
  • produces regular newsletters to disseminate relevant information to members
  • provides support for members in preparation of material for publication or presentation.
  • provides a forum for presentation of material to peers at regular scientific meetings

In addition the Chapter is responsible for the organisation of Fellowship examinations. Success at these rigorous examinations allows eligibility for specialist registration. Intending candidates may be examined in either canine medicine or small animal medicine to gain entry to the Chapter.

Radiology Chapter

The Chapter of Radiology is a special interest group whose purpose is to foster an interest in diagnostic imaging procedures in veterinary practice. Membership level examinations are designed to encourage interested veterinary practitioners to improve the base level of their radiographic skills, theoretical knowledge and film reading ability. After successful completion of the membership examination they may be eligible to prepare for fellowship examination. A fellow in radiology is eligible to apply for Board registration to practice as a specialist veterinary radiologist. An executive committee meets regularly to oversee the activities of the Chapter. There is a scientific meeting every second year to discuss recent advances in veterinary radiology and a regular newsletter keeps members of the Chapter informed of all Chapter activities.

Pig Health and Production

Pig Health and Production

Pathobiology Chapter

The Chapter of Pathobiology aims to foster the interests and aspirations of individuals whose careers are in a group of veterinary disciplines concerned with the causes, pathogenesis and diagnosis of disease. As such, the Chapter embraces the veterinary disciplines of pathology, clinical pathology, parasitology, microbiology (including virology), and immunology.

Membership and Fellowship of the Chapter is achieved by undertaking a training program and successfully completing examinations which accredit the member or fellow with substantial accomplishments in one of the above areas. A membership would be based on a sound grasp of the tenets of general pathology. A Fellow of the Chapter would be eligible to apply for specialist registration.

In addition, the Chapter promotes contact and the dissemination of information between members and maintains contact with the other organisations.

Ophthalmology Chapter

The Chapter comprises a group of veterinarians unified in an aim of solving and improving the treatment of eye problems in animals. It provides a forum for discussion, debate and furthering the understanding of eye diseases through regular meetings. The Chapter is a voice by which information can be disseminated to interested chapters, veterinarians and non-veterinarians. The Chapter would seek to provide expertise through its fellows in assisting in the training and examination of fellowship candidates.

New Zealand Network

The New Zealand Network was established to enhance engagement of New Zealand members of the College, with the College (including chapters) and with each other. The Network arranges functions and meetings in both the North and South Islands, aimed at professional development, social contact and, when necessary, representation on behalf of NZ-domiciled members. The Network provides opportunities for networking and interactions between members of all disciplines recognised by the College, within New Zealand. 

Medicine and Management of Laboratory Animals Chapter

The Medicine and Management of Laboratory Animals Chapter will promote excellence in the medicine, management, care, wellbeing and use in research and teaching of Laboratory Animals

The objects of the Chapter shall be:

a) to advance the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to Laboratory Animals and in particular to encourage and aid recruitment to the discipline, College and the Chapter;

b) to further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in Laboratory Animals;

c) to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in Laboratory Animals used in the research, teaching, testing and  production;

d) to promote exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other scientists working in the field of Laboratory Animal Medicine and Management; and

e) to encourage research publications in the sphere of medicine, management, production, care and use of Laboratory Animals.

Feline Chapter

The objects of the Chapter:

  • To advance the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to Feline Medicine.
  • To further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in Feline Medicine.
  • To encourage research in disease of the Feline.
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in Feline Medicine.
  • To encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other scientists working in the field of Feline Medicine.
  • To encourage publications in the sphere of Feline Medicine.
  • To acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

Equine Chapter

Under Article 4 of the Chapter Constitutions the objectives are listed as follows:

  • To advance the science and art of equine practice
  • To further the professional education and training of veterinarians in all aspects of equine diseases
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between equine veterinarians
  • To encourage original research and publication on all matters of equine diseases
  • To establish a set of standards and guidelines for post-graduate training to assist members in attaining qualification consistent with current international standards of the profession.
  • To encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other disciplines and other Chapters, and with other medical biological scientists.
  • To acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

Epidemiology Chapter

The objectives of the Chapter are to:

  • Provide a means of entry to the College for those with a particular interest in veterinary epidemiology;
  • Provide a means of accreditation of veterinary epidemiologists;
  • Encourage research in, and application of, veterinary epidemiology;
  • Facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinary epidemiologists;
  • Further the professional education and training of veterinary epidemiologists;
    and to Encourage publications in the sphere of veterinary epidemiology.
  • The Chapter achieves these objectives by:

Assisting candidates for Membership examination through the mentor system;

  • Providing examiners for Membership and Fellowship exams;
  • Conducting workshops as a means of continuing education for its members;
  • Publishing newsletters; Awarding a medal to a final year veterinary student at all veterinary schools in Australia and New Zealand for excellence in veterinary epidemiology;
  • and Organising an annual conference on veterinary epidemiology.

Emergency & Critical Care Chapter

The Emergency and Critical Care Chapter will promote excellence in the treatment of sick animals in the Emergent Period and for the duration, during which a disease remains life threatening.

The objectives of the Chapter shall be:

  • To advance the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to Emergency and Critical Care and in particular to encourage and aid recruitment to the discipline, College and the Chapter.
  • To further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in Emergency and Critical Care. Providing mentorship and support as required
  • To encourage research in Emergency and Critical Care
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in Emergency and Critical Care both locally and overseas.
  • To encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other scientists working in the field of Emergency and Critical Care
  • To encourage publications in the sphere of Emergency and Critical Care
  • To acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

Dermatology Chapter

The aims of the Chapter are to:

  • Advance the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to Veterinary Dermatology and in particular to encourage and aid recruitment to the College and the Chapter.
  • Provide continual improvement in practice standards and knowledge of Veterinary Dermatology and to further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in dermatology.
  • Encourage scientific investigation and research in the field of Veterinary Dermatology, and a contribution to published professional literature.
  • Encourage individuals to undertake examination at the Fellowship levels in Veterinary Dermatology Facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in dermatology.
  • Encourage the veterinary teaching institutions to develop appropriate, professional teaching programs in order to produce graduates with a higher standard of competency and training in this field.
  • Encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other scientists working in the field of dermatology.
  • Endow its members with a sense of camaraderie and purpose.

Cattle Chapter

The Cattle Chapter is the branch of the college made up of veterinarians who have a particular interest in dairy/ beef cattle medicine and production and ruminant nutrition.

The Chapter is run by an executive committee elected by members of the chapter annually.

The broad aims of the chapter are:

  • Provide a pathway for veterinarians in private practice to improve their knowledge through study for memberships and assist candidates through the mentor system.
  • Establish a core group of renowned specialists through the fellowship system.
  • Create a network of veterinarians who are able to exchange ideas freely and provide advice for other veterinarians.
  • Encourage education through new research and evidence based medicine.
  • Set a benchmark for excellence in the field of medicine, management and nutrition for younger veterinarians.

Avian Health Chapter

The objects of the Chapter are:

  • To provide the means of entry to the College for those specialising in Avian Health.
  • To provide a means of accreditation for avian health veterinarians
  • To advance the science and art of avian health
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between avian health veterinarians
  • To encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other biological scientists in the field of avian health
  • To encourage publication in the sphere of avian health
  • To acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

Aquatic Animal Health Chapter

The Aquatic Animal Health Chapter has been established to promote excellence in the diagnosis, treatment and prevent of diseases of aquatic animals with particular emphasis on those species which are kept for aquaculture or otherwise commercially exploited. The objects of the Chapter shall be:

  • To advance the science and art of veterinary science as it relates specifically to aquatic animals and in particular to encourage and aid recruitment to the discipline, the College and the Chapter.
  • To further the professional education and training of veterinarians with a special interest in aquatic animal health.
    To encourage research in aquatic animal health.
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with a special interest in aquatic animal health
  • To encourage exchange of knowledge with and collaborative work with other Scientists working in the field of aquatic animal health.
  • To encourage publications in the sphere of aquatic animal health
  • To acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims.

Animal Welfare Chapter

The Animal Welfare Chapter has been established to provide a forum for the training of veterinarians to a detailed knowledge and above average competence in animal welfare in all species. This capability will be drawn from a broad base of knowledge across all body systems. Course content includes, The Ethics of Animal Use, Physiological and Psychological Aspects of Adverse States, Animal Environments, The Veterinary Profession's Role in Animal Welfare, Veterinary Aspects of Animal Welfare, Specific Welfare Issues, Legislation and Animal Welfare and Human - Animal Relationships. Membership in this subject equips veterinarians to understand the scientific basis for optimum animal welfare and to be able to reason and debate coherently the legal and ethical aspects of animal welfare.

Animal Reproduction Chapter

The Chapter is a special interest group that aims to bring together veterinary graduates who have an active interest in reproduction across all species. The Chapter is relatively new having formed in 1998. The membership level examination expects knowledge of reproductive processes in all domestic species. Fellowship level examination is available within an individual species. An annual meeting to coincide with the College Science week is planned each year. Presentation of clinical case material, current research or topical issues at the meeting is encouraged. The meeting provides an opportunity to present and actively discuss all aspects of comparative reproduction. Members of the Chapter usually have an individual species that is of particular interest to them, but discussing reproductive processes across a range of species in a more biological context is very useful in an attempt to understand the many factors that may influence reproduction. Membership of the Chapter is open to all members of the College that have a fascination with reproduction.