Renew your subscription

Subscription Renewals 2024/2025

Members can pay for their 2024/2025 College subscription from 1 March 2024 via the Member Portal.

Any existing Chapter subscriptions will automatically be included, and you can make any changes online. 


Renewal Methods

Credit card or Bank Transfer

  1. Log in to the College website
  2. Select 'Pay Fees'
  3. Select your payment method (credit card or direct transfer)
  4. Pay your subscription

Recurring Payment system 

The Recurring Payment for the 2024/2025 Subscription Period has been processed. Members can still sign up to Recurring Payments for future subscription periods, which will automatically deduct their annual College and Chapter subscription fees. 

How to sign up for recurring payments:

  1. Log in to the College website
  2. Select 'Sign up to recurring payments' 
  3. Complete the form
  4. We will notify you of the next scheduled Recurring Payment date. A receipt will be emailed to you once the payment has been made.

 To read the direct debit terms and conditions, please click here.