Maintenance of Credentials FAQ

Why does the ANZCVS require a MOC program?

The introduction of a MOC program is required for the College to align itself with the standards set by international veterinary organisations. In addition, the Australasian Veterinary Boards Council (AVBC) has strongly suggested that MOC should be a requirement to ensure the ongoing quality of qualifications. This move will protect the ANZCVS qualifications from any allegations (real or perceived) of degeneration or reduction of quality, and is line with New Zealand and other foreign jurisdictions.

The MOC program may also be important for future progression towards recognition of an “Advanced Practitioner” status. The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons has recently introduced a middle tier of veterinary professional with the ‘Advanced Practitioner’ being an official recognition of a veterinary surgeon’s particular knowledge and skills in a designated field of veterinary practice. Currently, Membership of the ANZCVS in certain subjects is accepted as a pre-requisite for this status, in addition to demonstration of key professional skills.

At this time, no “Advanced Practitioner” status exists in Australia and New Zealand and participation in the ANZCVS MOC program will be applied prospectively to new Members from 2020. However, it is possible that if a middle status of veterinary professional is introduced, Members may be required to meet MOC requirements if they wish to participate.

Do I need to participate in the MOC program?

Participation in MOC is independent of Membership/Fellowship of the College and each individual’s Chapter, which is determined on financial status (i.e. payment of annual dues).


Any new Members from 2021 onwards will need to fulfil MOC requirements to maintain an “active” MOC status with the College. Participation of veterinarians who received their Membership prior to 2020 is on a voluntary basis.


MOC program will be applied prospectively to new Fellows from 2021 and retrospectively to all existing Fellows from 2023 in order to maintain an “active” MOC status with the College.

Please note: For either of the above, if you do not wish to participate in the MOC program, you do NOT lose your post nominals at any time unless you cease to be a financial member of the College. The decision on whether to maintain an active status with the College is a personal one and may be dependent on your assessment on whether an “active” MOC status will impact on your professional life.

Will I lose my post nominals if I do not participate in the MOC program?

Absolutely not. The attainment of Membership and Fellowship is an outstanding professional achievement. At no time will you lose your Membership or Fellowship post nominals, as long as you remain a financial member of the College. However, you will be recorded as having an “inactive” MOC status on the College database.

Will my participation in the MOC affect my specialist registration with the AVBC?

The College has no information currently on whether the AVBC will require Fellows wishing to attain or maintain their specialist registration to adhere to MOC requirements, but it is probable that this may a component in the future.

How will my MOC status be defined after 2020?

For those who received their Membership prior to 2020, if they do not elect to participate in the MOC program, they will be listed as “Not Applicable*” against their MOC status. This will be clarified to the public as “*Members who received their qualifications prior to 2020 are not obligated to comply with MOC requirements but are encouraged to do so on a voluntary basis”.

For those Members and Fellows who receive their qualifications from 2020 onwards, they will automatically be listed as having an “active” MOC status for the initial 5-year period after attainment of their qualification until their first MOC submission.

For those existing Fellows who received their qualifications prior to 2020, they will automatically be listed as having an “active” MOC status until 2028, when they will be required to have their MOC requirements assessed for their first MOC evaluation period of 2023-2028.

Can I get a pro rata reduction in my MOC requirements?

The College is highly supportive of its Members in both a personal and professional capacity and will consider all applications for pro rata reduction whether they be due to health, parental or lifestyle factors.

If I hold Memberships in multiple Chapters, do I need to fulfil MOC requirements for each Chapter to have an “active” MOC status in that Chapter?

Yes, Members can choose to fulfil MOC requirements in more than one discipline to be classified as active in each Chapter. You may include the same cases in MOC requirements for multiple disciplines if it is relevant but you need to fulfil the total requirements for each.

Please see the FAQ question: “If I want to maintain active MOC status in 2 subject areas, can I include the same cases as part of my MOC requirements?”

If MOC requirements are met in one Chapter but not other(s), the Member will be listed as inactive in those Chapters.

Will Criteria 1 requirements be reviewed to determine if they are appropriate for each chapter?

Yes, at the 5-year mark the entire process will be reviewed, including random audits of a select number of Members/Fellows from each Chapter. In particular, the College is keen to ensure that there is no bias (positive or negative) towards those disciplines that have a clinical caseload. Individual Chapters will be consulted during this process to provide commentary on the suitability of requirements.

Can I divide my MOC requirements in Criteria 1 between Category 1 (clinical) and Category 2 (other)?

Yes, you can divide your Criteria 1 by percentage between either clinical time (Category 1) or time spent in employment/academia/research/consultancy (Category 2).

For example, if you work in clinical practice 3 days per week but are doing research or consultancy for 2 days per week you would divide your time as 60% Category 1 and 40% Category 2.

What is defined as a case in Criteria 1, Category 1 (clinical subject area)?

Any case that you are presented or consulted with in your subject area is valid. They do not need to be unique presentations of a disease. In addition, you can include repeat consultations, visits and/or procedures in which you are reviewing the patient and updating ongoing treatments from previous consultations.

If I want to maintain active status in 2 subject areas, can I include the same cases as part of my MOC requirements?

Yes, if cases are relevant to both disciplines that you are fulfilling MOC requirements they can be included.

For example, if you are presented a canine with a gastric dilation and volvulus, emergency stabilisation and surgical correction would be valid case inclusions for both Emergency and Critical Care, Medicine and/or Surgery.

Do I need to keep an individual case log to document case numbers (Criteria 1, Category 1)?

No, you do not need to keep an individual case log.

As part of the MOC program you will be required to record only the NUMBER of cases over a period of time that you choose. A template or web platform is under construction which will enable you to record the number of cases you see either each month or quarter.

For audit purposes, you may be required to submit a statutory declaration in confirmation of the accuracy of these numbers in addition to a 6-month snapshot of your appointment schedule and documentation of a work roster over the 5-year period.

What documentation do I need for Criteria 1, Category 2 hours of work if audited?

For audit purposes, you may be required to submit a statutory declaration in confirmation of the hours of work recorded in addition to a statement from your employer confirming your standard hours of work or documentation of a work roster.

Who determines what CPD/activities in Criteria 2 are suitable for inclusion?

If you have any concerns regarding the suitability of inclusion of any activity listed in Criteria 2, the Chapter Executive will be consulted to provide a decision.

Is there overlap between Criteria 2 and Criteria 3?

Yes, some activities in Criteria 2 will fulfil Criteria 3 requirements. The best example of this is attendance at Science Week which can be used to fulfil hours for certified CPD in Criteria 2 as well as multiple Criteria 3 requirements: Science Week attendance, College AGM, Chapter AGM and/or ANZCVS workshop.

I live outside Australia – how can I fulfil Criteria 3 activities?

To enable some of these requirements to be met by those Members with an international location, it is anticipated that College AGMs will be made accessible by videoconferencing from 2021 onwards. Discussion will be held with individual Chapters to determine whether they have member requirements for their AGMs also to be videoconferenced.

How do I record my MOC requirements?

The College is investigating both a spreadsheet and web-based portal to easily record MOC requirements. Crucial to this system is the ability to enter case numbers or work hours either on a monthly or quarterly basis. For all criteria the clear translation into a graphic representation of whether each individual is on target to meet goals will be present so that Members can clearly visualise and monitor their progress.

What is the process for re-accreditation if I fail to meet MOC requirements?

If you fail to meet MOC requirements at the end of the 5-year period, you can re-apply annually thereafter to have your requirements reviewed for the preceding 5-year period. The 5-year MOC periods are not static but are rolling blocks of time. In other words, an individual can apply to be recredentialled at annually if there is sufficient evidence that MOC requirements are met within the preceding 5-year period. Alternatively, you can consider whether there is any reason that pro-rata reduction should be applied within the preceding 5-year period.

I am retired or close to retirement, do I need to participate in the MOC?

You do not need to participate in the MOC if you achieved Membership prior to 2020 or are content to be categorised as inactive. Please refer to the College policy on Life Membership.

Members/Fellows are eligible for Life Membership/Fellowship if they have retired from full time employment, AND have: EITHER reached the age of 60 years OR been a College member for 30 continuous years or more. Life Members/Fellows are exempt from payment of annual fees and levies but retain all their rights and privileges including the right to vote and continuing membership of chapters willing to accept them as a Life Member/Fellow.


For further information regarding the Maintenance of Credentials, please contact the College office on +61 3423 2016 or email