
The award of Membership of the College is conferred upon a veterinarian who is eligible to sit and successfully passes an examination in a given Membership subject.

Membership of the College is an official recognition of a veterinarian's knowledge and experience in a designated field of veterinary science. Membership is an indication to the profession and the general public of an advanced practitioner, representing a middle-tier of knowledge, competence and experience in a specific area of veterinary practice. Membership is not a specialist qualification. Membership requires examination with members signified by post-nominals MANZCVS.



Cost and closing date 2025:

  • Applications for 2025 Membership Exams will close on 31 October 2024 (late applications can be submitted until 30 November 2024 but will attract an AU$50.00 late fee)
  • Membership Examination 2025 cost: AU$1,690.00
    (Total cost: AU$1,645.00 Membership Examination fee + AU$45.00 card surcharge fee)
  • The administration component of the Examination fee is 25% and is non-refundable.

Membership examination dates for 2025:

  • Written examination: 3 June 2025
  • Practical examination: 5 June 2025 (if applicable)
  • Oral examination: 28, 29 and 30 June 2025

2025 update

What you should be aware of before enrolling

  • The written examinations are being provided through an online examination assessment system.
  • You will need to bring a laptop to the examination venue for the written examinations, these cannot be performed on tablets/iPads or phones.
  • Membership practical examinations will be conducted at state capital venues only.

Membership Examination Resources: 

Intention to sit Membership FOR future years: 

(Intention to Sit form differs from enrolling candidates)

Intention to sit applications are being accepted for 2026 subject examinations. Forms must be signed. No application fee is required with an intention to sit application.

Intention to Sit applications will only be processed for future examination periods, please state which year you intend to sit your subject examination.

Please note: intention to sit is not an acceptance by the College that candidates will be accepted for future examination periods.



All intending Candidates should thoroughly read the Membership Candidate Handbook and their Subject Guideline.

Subject Definition

The content of the examination is defined by both the subject title and the subject guidelines.


  • Candidates for Membership of the College should be eligible for registration as a veterinarian in an Australian State or in New Zealand. Council may at its discretion approve a candidate who has veterinary qualifications recognised as being equivalent to Australasian qualifications.
  • At least three and a half years must have elapsed since the Candidate’s original registrable veterinary degree was conferred before taking the examination, preferably in full-time employment.
  • Candidates who have not had the opportunity of working intensively in a limited field of activity and in a situation where an opportunity for learning from other veterinarians is available would be advised to prolong their preparation period to six or even eight years.


Applicants will be assessed on their knowledge and skills at the Membership examination. Performance in the Membership examination is assessed on the basis that the candidate shall achieve a pass mark of 70% or above as detailed in section 12.9 of the Membership Candidate Handbook.

Although Membership of the College indicates that the member has some expertise and competence in the nominated area, it is important to note that Fellowship is the College qualification that signifies the standard required by those seeking veterinary specialist registration.

Further information on Membership examinations can be found in the Membership Candidate Handbook.

Further information

Contact the Administration Team
Telephone: +61 (7) 3423 2016


Examination feedback

The Board of Examiners has released the following candidate feedback from the College membership examinations: