Medicine of Cats UK
Examinations in UK/Europe
Veterinarians in the UK and Europe are invited to apply to sit Medicine of Cats UK membership examination being held in the UK.
About the qualification
The ANZCVS examination in Medicine of Cats UK leads to Membership of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (MANZCVS) qualification. The Medicine of Cats UK examination has the proud support of ISFM, which has adopted it as its officially recognised postgraduate qualification, allowing Veterinarians to apply to become a Member of the ISFM Academy of Feline Practitioners. For more information on ISFM Academy, click here.
Membership of the College is an official recognition of a veterinarian's knowledge and experience in a designated field of veterinary science. Membership is an indication to the profession and the general public of an advanced practitioner, representing a middle-tier of knowledge, competence and experience in a specific area of veterinary practice. Membership is not a specialist qualification. Membership requires examination, with members signified by post-nominals MANZCVS.
The examination covers all facets of feline medicine, dermatology, ophthalmology, nutrition and behaviour. Subject guidelines have been provided to use as a study guide, with a reading list of recommended textbooks and journals.
Refer to the Medicine of Cats subject guidelines here.
The ANZCVS examination is available to veterinarians for which it has been at least three and a half years since the Candidate’s original registrable veterinary degree was conferred before taking the examination, preferably in full-time employment.
Please note if you have veterinary qualifications not eligible for general registration in Australia or New Zealand, but is recognised in any other part of the world, additional documents are required to be submitted and approved by Council before your application will be accepted. Please click here for more information.
What does the examination consist of?
- 1 x 2-hour written paper concerning basic sciences and pathophysiology
- 1 x 2-hour written paper concerning more clinical and practical aspects of feline medicine
1 x 45 minute (approx.) oral examination
Medicine of cats (UK) examination dates
The next Medicine of Cats and Medicine of Cats (UK) examinations will be held in 2026.
- Written examinations: 2026 Examination dates - to be confirmed (Paper 1 in the morning; Paper 2 in the afternoon)
- Oral examinations: 2026 Examination dates - to be confirmed
Medicine of cats (UK) examination cost
Membership Examination fee 2026: 2026 Examination fee - to be confirmed
(Total cost: AU$TBC; which includes AU$TBC card surcharge fee)
Applications will open in August 2025 and close on 31 October 2025
(Late applications will be accepted until 30 November 2025 but will attract a late fee)
The administration component of the examination fee is 25% and is non-refundable.
Candidates withdrawing from examinations after the last day of February will forfeit the entire fee.
How do I apply?
To register your interest or intention to sit the next Medicine of Cats (UK) exams, please complete an Intention to Sit along with other documentation, if required.
For Further information and/or submit application to:
Admin Team
Telephone: +61 (7) 3423 2016