The objectives of the Chapter are to:

  • Advance the science and art of zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Encourage individuals to undertake College examinations in Medicine of Zoo Animals and/or Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • Work towards the establishment of fellowship college examinations in Medicine of Zoo Animals and/or Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • Further the professional education and training of veterinarians with an interest in wildlife and zoo medicine and related discipline
  • Encourage the veterinary teaching institutions to develop undergraduate and postgraduate programs that will promote and expand the quality of training in the field of zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Encourage research in health and disease of zoo and wild animals
  • Encourage the exchange of knowledge between veterinarians with an interest in zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Encourage the exchange of knowledge and collaboration with other biological scientists working in the field of zoo and wildlife medicine and conservation biology
  • Encourage high quality and relevant publications in the sphere of zoo and wildlife medicine
  • Acquire, maintain, employ and dispose of such real and personal property and to organise such services as will further the above aims
  • Endow Members with a sense of camaraderie, purpose and pride.

The Chapter aims to meet these objectives:

  • through the delivery and promotion of biennial examinations in the two subjects: Medicine of Zoo Animals and Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • by providing guidance and mentoring for prospective members who are looking to undertake College examinations in Medicine of Zoo Animals and/or Medicine of Australasian Wildlife
  • by convening scientific sessions at Science Week, both in our own right and in collaboration with other Chapters
  • with communication to Chapter members via the email list serve and other means

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