The Ophthalmology Chapter of the ANZCVS consists of registered specialists in veterinary ophthalmology, residents in training, and practitioners with a special interest in ophthalmology. The group is unified in the aim of solving and improving the treatment of eye problems in animals.
The chapter regularly participates in College Science Week by inviting international speakers and holding its annual meeting as part of the event. In addition, the chapter organises Interim Meetings in different locations around Australia. The interim meetings are typically held every 18 months; see the 'News' tab for further details.
Ophthalmology Chapter Membership
Membership is open to all members of the ANZCVS and is encouraged for any veterinarian interested in ophthalmology. Current members consist of specialists, training residents, and general veterinary practitioners.
Members of the Chapter receive discounted registration to Interim Meetings. They are informed of happenings in the ophthalmology arena in Australia and internationally through the circulation of the International Society of Ophthalmology (ISVO) newsletter, The Globe, and intermittent announcements from the chapter president and secretary. All members are encouraged to attend the Chapter's Scientific Meetings and Annual General Meetings.
Ophthalmology Chapter Scientific Meeting
The Ophthalmology Chapter regularly holds a 2 to 3-day program as part of ANZCVS Science Week each year. A Science Week committee arranges an esteemed array of international and local speakers to provide a stimulating and educational meeting relevant to specialists and general practitioners.
The Chapter also arranges Interim Meetings in varying locations around Australia approximately every two years.
Ophthalmology Chapter Annual General Meeting
The Chapter AGM is held at the ANZCVS Science Week Meeting most years. Meeting minutes are accessible to ANZCVS members.
Ophthalmology Chapter Affiliations
The Chapter is affiliated with the ISVO and has a representative on the editorial board of Veterinary Ophthalmology, the official journal of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.