Are you interested in sitting examinations in Radiology?
The Radiology Chapter offers examinations at Membership and Fellowship level.
Examination at Membership level is focused on the general practitioner with a strong interest in radiology. Candidates may undertake examination in either small or large animal radiology. For membership examination there are four examinations: two written papers of 2 hours duration, a practical film reading examination and an oral examination. Written paper one examines the physics of radiology and basic sonology. For small animal radiology paper 2 examines aspects of radiographic interpretation of dogs and cats. For large animal radiology, paper 2 is primarily focused on the radiology of horses, with a small component of production animals. The practical examination is film reading examination where candidates are required to write radiology reports for a series of radiographic cases. These cases are presented as jpeg images windowed appropriately for the pathology. The 1-hour oral exam consists of oral film reading and questions relating to radiology, radiography and procedures such as radiographic contrast studies. Candidates are advised to work through the learning objectives for each subject and it is strongly advised that potential candidates organise a mentor to assist examination preparation. The Chapter can assist with this process.
Examination at Fellowship level requires the candidate to have Membership in Radiology (either small or large animal) and to have completed an approved three year supervised training program (residency) in diagnostic imaging. The Fellowship examination is focused on practitioner wishing to gain specialist qualifications in imaging. Papers 1 and 2 are similar in structure to membership however examine in greater detail and are extended to include further sonology and CT, MRI and scintigraphy. Report writing is assessed with two 3 hour practical examinations which cover radiographic, CT, MR, scintigraphic and sonographic studies. Verbal reporting skills will be assessed during a 2 hour oral examination.
Prior to enrolling in a Membership examination, potential candidates are encouraged to read the College’s publications: Membership Candidate Handbook and the Radiology Chapter's Membership Subject Guidelines. Potential Fellowship Candidates must read the Fellowship Candidate Handbook and the Radiology Chapter's Fellowship Guidelines.
Aspiring members should also read:
The Radiology Chapter currently maintains a web based portal for Members and Candidates at: Radiology Portal - Home ( Please contact the College administration team if you are a member or candidate and do not currently have an ANZCVS email address and login to access the site.