Resource Platform for Chapters and Candidates
16 February 2021
The College has been investigating pathways to provide Chapters with support in engaging candidates and Members. This has been in response to inquiries about providing a centralised support framework for mentor programs and resources. There are a multitude of learning management systems (LMS) and digital platforms which provide a variety of services. Given the limited resources and staffing of a not-for-profit organisation, it is essential that the College clearly define the requirements of interested Chapters to determine the most cost-effective resource platform which would accommodate as many needs as possible.
Eleven Chapters completed the Expressions of Interest (EOI) document in the latter part of 2020. In summary, Chapters have indicated they would find the following useful:
1) A centralised site in which resources could be stored and accessed
2) Communications channel for Member/Candidates
3) Discussion forum capabilities
4) Low or no cost to Members/Candidates
5) Simple to use
6) Minimal time input for Chapters to maintain
7) Support from College in setup/administration/maintenance
In response to this, the College has constructed a demonstration resource platform using SharePoint. This is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office and is part of the Office 365 suite of applications. The executive members of all Chapters and certain interested individuals will receive an email detailing how to access this site using their College email address. In addition, a series of informational videos on the features available has been made. Feedback will be obtained over the next few months with the potential to roll out Chapter specific sites as required.
If you are interested in the platform, please contact your Chapter executive organise access to the demonstration platform and accompanying information videos. Alternatively, please contact Dr Rachel Tan (Project Officer, for more information.