NZ Member Events

The ANZCVS held an inaugural cocktail function for New Zealand members at the Sofitel Hotel in Auckland on Saturday 15 September, with 45 attendees including a wide range of Australian and NZ Members and Fellows.

The sunset drinks on the harbour allowed longstanding Members (including former Council Presidents; Prof. Boyd Jones, Dr Stuart Burrough and Dr Gavin Shepherd) as well as new Members, Council and Board of Examiners to celebrate the recognition of New Zealand as an integral part of the ANZ College.

The function was an active strategy of Council to engage with New Zealand Members and followed an afternoon of meetings between Council and the NZ Veterinary Council, Massey University and the NZ Veterinary Association involving discussions around subjects of mutual interest.  

President Zoe Lenard spoke to the group inviting them to present ideas for ways to improve engagement with NZ Members. View some of the photos from the evening here.

Christchurch Event

A second function to engage with NZ College Members from the South Island will be held on Friday 28 September at 6:30pm at The George Hotel, in Christchurch. We invite all members and their  veterinarian friends and colleagues who may be interested in sitting Membership exams in the future to attend.

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