Examiners Workshop
4 February 2019
Writing good exam questions is a challenging and time-consuming task, and not one that veterinary education, practice or specialty training prepares us for!
The ANZCVS values the contributions of the many volunteer examiners who devote their time to carefully developing and marking Membership and Fellowship examinations. To support our examiners, the College is conducting a workshop in Brisbane on 9 and 10 February 2019 , where examiners can work together with expert input from Associate Professor Liz Norman, who is the Director of Teaching and Learning at the College of Sciences at Massey University.
The weekend provides examiners with time to collaborate in examination design and blue printing, framing questions and development of marking keys.
Members of the Board of Examiners, College staff and office bearers are available to critique and assist in exam development, greatly facilitating the peer review and quality control processes.
The weekend is a collegiate and collaborative time that enhances the quality of examination offerings and seeks to ensure the development and delivery of fair, rigorous and defensible examinations.
Having all been on the receiving end of examinations, examiners and the Board are highly motivated to ensure each candidate is afforded the best possible opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and expertise in every exam offered by the College.
Thank you to all examiners for their time and expertise, and to Associate Prof Norman for her unique combination of veterinary and educational expertise.
- Written by Dr Sharanne Raidal, Assistant Chief Examiner (Examinations)