

Welcome To The VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH Administration page 


2024/2025 Chapter Office Bearers/Executive Committee

President: Kevin Crews 

Secretary: Allen Petrey

Treasurer: John Tulloch

Past President: Elizabeth Parker

Science Week Convenors:  Allen PetreyKevin Doyle, 

Chapter Examination Committee Members: Bob Biddle (chair) Elizabeth Parker, Mark Schipp 

Chapter Membership Standards Committee: Leo Foyle (chair),Alissa Hampton, Jake Sang-Min Kim, Nicolas Rush, Kerushini Govender

Chapter Fellowship Subject Standards Commitee: 

Michael Reichel, Elizabeth Parker

Web site Administrators:  Allen Petrey 


If you have any queries about the Chapter please contact the Secretary at  

Latest News

Risk communication in animal disease outbreaks and emergencies (FAO 2020)
Veterinarians for climate action