Interim Meeting - Manly 2024

Manly Pacific Hotel, 55 N Steyne Manly, Sydney, 2095 New South Wales
from 14 Oct 2024, 08:00 am, to 16 Oct 2024, 05:00 pm


MANLY 2024

Overview: Join us in the picturesque coastal setting of Manly, Sydney, for an exciting and detailed expedition into genetic and hereditary eye disease and their treatments.
Guest speaker: Dr Gustavo Aguirre is Professor of Medical Genetics and Ophthalmology at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, USA and is a world renown Veterinary Ophthalmologist with vast experience in the world of ophthalmic genetics. His research surrounds dog models of inherited eye and retinal degeneration with his work focusing on developing gene-based therapies for translational applications. We are thrilled to have him as our invited speaker for the ANZCVS Ophthalmology interim chapter meeting.



Due to unforeseen circumstances out of our control, we have had to very abruptly change venues! Fortunately, however, the meeting promises to be even better than before as we will now be situated at the beautiful Boathouse in Shelly Beach.

The Boathouse Shelly Beach

The Boathouse Shelly Beach is a waterside venue in Manly, Sydney, offering a cafe and kiosk as well as a wedding, event and conference space.


Please see a revised itinerary below:


Sunday 13th October - Arrival drinks, venue TBC


Monday 14th October - Conference day 1 followed by al a carte chapter dinner with house drinks included at Manly Pavilion


Tuesday 15th October - Conference day 2 followed by farewell drinks - venue TBC


Breakfast canapes, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, and tea/coffee/water will be provided. Please let the organisers know if you have any dietary requirements.


We have been lucky enough to secure sponsorship from multiple companies, which means that the dinner and welcome drinks for full-paying delegates will be FREE!


The cost per delegate for each day of the conference is $225; this means the cost for both days is $450.


If you have a significant other/person you would like to bring along to the dinner or drinks the cost is the following:

Welcome drinks $50

Chapter dinner $150 

Please pay the fee and let us know if you want to bring someone.


To pay, please kindly transfer to the following Chapter account:

ANZCVS Ophthalmology Chapter

BSB: 034 069

Account number: 408210

Reference for delegates: Interim meeting/surname


To clarify - If you are a full paying delegate ($450) you do not need to pay for the welcome drinks or chapter dinner....This is included! 🙂


Due to the number of delegates expressing interest in different accommodation options, we have opted to allow delegates to book their accommodation separately.  


The deadline for payment is September 16th.


Once you have paid, please email Sarah or Jeff saying you have paid so we can ensure all payments are received and delegates are registered.


Please reach out if you have any questions,


Sarah and Jeff