
Dermatology Chapter Membership Membership is open to all members of the ANZCVS, and is encouraged for any veterinarians with an interest in Dermatology. Current membership includes a mix of specialists, training residents, and general veterinary practitioners. As a member of the Dermatology Chapter you will be kept informed of happenings in the Dermatology arena in Australia and internationally through a quarterly email update from the Chapter president, and intermittent announcements throughout the year. There will be opportunity to be involved in educational Chapter activities, including written education tasks, and talks held in a variety of venues throughout Australia. All members are encouraged to attend the Chapter's Scientific Meetings and Annual General Meetings.

Contact Chapter Secretary for any enquiries: 

Dermatology Chapter Scientific Meeting The Dermatology Chapter holds a 2-day Scientific Meeting as part of ANZCVS Science Week each July, for 3 out of each 4 years, held on the Gold Coast in Queensland. An esteemed array of international and local speakers are arranged by a Science Week committee to provide a stimulating and educational meeting, relevant to specialists and general practitioners. Proceedings are published for each meeting, and previous editions are available in the Chapter Repository.

The Chapter supports and attends and the World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology Meeting held every 4th year in a variety of international locations, in lieu of it's scientific meeting that year. 

Dermatology Chapter Annual General Meeting The Chapter AGM is held at the ANZCVS Science Week Meeting for 3 out of each 4 years, and at the World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology Meeting each 4th year. Meeting minutes are accessible to ANZCVS members, and can be found in the Chapter Repository.

Dermatology Chapter Affiliations The Dermatology Chapter is affiliated with the World Association for Veterinary Dermatology (WAVD) which is an international organisation with the aim of promoting the worldwide advancement of veterinary dermatology. The 11th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology, organised by the WAVD, will be held in Seville, Spain in 2028. The Chapter also has a representative on the Global Veterinary Dermatology Education Group, which is an international group committed to improving the knowledge and practice of veterinary dermatology in underserved areas around the world.

Dermatology Chapter Sub-CommitteeS

1. Science Week Committee functions to organise speakers and the scientific program for Chapter Scientific Meetings held at Science Week. The current committee are: Dr David Robson, Dr Meng Siak supported by Dr Karyn Wesselingh for preparation of the proceedings.

2. Subject Examinations Committee functions to oversee education, training and examination of fellowship candidates, and appoint examiners. There is no membership examination process for Veterinary Dermatology. The current CEC committee are: Dr Mandy Burrows and Dr Meng Siak

Latest News

WAVD Endorsed Clinical Practice Guidelines in Dermatology