ANZCVS Avian Chapter Membership Training Video
Sitting Membership examinations is a significant time, emotional and financial investment for candidates. Ideally, candidates would have good examination technique, so that the knowledge that they’ve acquired can be clearly displayed. Most commonly, however, candidates sitting Membership examinations have been out of academic institutions for some time. The candidates are often anxious about the examination process, and can feel underprepared to demonstrate their prowess. The Avian Chapter has felt for some time that candidates would benefit from better training of examination technique, and deeper understanding of the College Examination process. In 2018, after funding from College Council, the Avian Chapter ran a pilot program to try to meet these goals. The program was offered to all Avian Membership candidates, and seven people enrolled for the preparation program. The program was run in 3 sections, starting with a seminar demystifying the Membership Guidelines for the subject. The middle section was a webinar that covered appropriate examination technique, which can be viewed below. The final segment provided feedback and assistance with practice examination questions. Feedback so far has been positive, with most candidates feeling more prepared and less nervous about the assessment process. Moving forward, the plan is to offer this framework to other Chapters.