Fear Free Grant 2018-2019

Veterinary Behaviour Chapter of Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists

Announcing Fear Free Research Grant 2018-2019

Our appreciation to Fear Free Pets for this opportunity to advance research in Australia and New Zealand.

The initial goal for fear free funding of research is to a) encourage and support evidence based research that would increase our understanding and knowledge related to preventing and alleviating fear, anxiety and stress associated with veterinary visits and b) to support research in the field of veterinary behaviour.  Therefore, in this first year of their research portfolio, they are providing funds for research by behaviorists or residents of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, as well as to the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioural Medicine, to the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter of the ANZCVS, and to selected US veterinary teaching institutions for student research in the field. 

Fear free is offering a grant of $1000 US to the ANZCVS Veterinary Behaviour Chapter to be awarded to a member of the Chapter for original evidence based research project in dogs and/or cats investigating the prevention, reduction or measurement of fear, anxiety and stress associated with veterinary visits including travel, facilities, procedures, hospitalization or return home.  Studies conducted in shelters can be considered if the findings can be applied to veterinary visits and hospitalization.   


Applicants should be a current Member or Fellow of the ANZCVS Veterinary Behaviour Chapter. Individuals who have announced their intention to sit their Memberships in 2019 will also be considered.

Applications must be presented with an up to date CV, Cover letter and 500 -1000 word outline of their proposed research topic. Applications should be emailed to


Applications should be received by the end of day October 31st 2018

Successful applicants will be required to present their initial findings at Science week 2019. Fear free will announce the funding on their research page, as well as the title, name of the research and objective of the research when the project has been selected.  On completion, the only requirement will be that a copy of the abstract with results will be submitted to fear free, to be added to their research portfolio on their website so that findings can be reported and shared.  If the project will not be published, fear free would be interested in putting a link to, or a copy of the paper on their website.