Behaviour Chapter Awards

The Rising Star Award

The “Rising Star” award is presented to a successful member or recent member from the previous year's examination, that presents at Science Week Conference for the first time.

1. The speaker must have achieved membership in the Veterinary Behaviour chapter of the
Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in the previous 2 years.
2. This must be speaker’s first presentation at Science Week
3. The presentation will be assessed by a minimum of 2 judges as appointed by the executive of the Chapter
4. The judges should include one Specialist in Behavioural Medicine as part of the judging panel
5. If there is an International Speaker they should be one of the judges but they must be informed of their duties at least 6 weeks in advance
6. The presentation will be assessed on the following criteria:
      a. Presentation style
      b. Visual aids used
      c. Ability to engage the audience
      d. Information that advances the field of veterinary behaviour
Case studies, pilot studies will be accepted if supportive data are provided.
Opinion pieces will not be accepted
7. The prize may not be given every year if the criteria are not met

The Robert Holmes Award

Robert Holmes Award is presented at the discretion of the examiners to the best performing candidate for Membership Examinations of that year.

Criteria is as follows: 
- Best overall performance - highest scoring candidate across both oral and written exams
The aim is to award an outstanding candidate.
- $500 Bursary  

Caroline Perrin Memorial Award:

The Caroline Perrin Award is a memorial award granted to a successful applicant that is currently completing a residency in Veterinary Behaviour.

- Applicants must be Residents in Veterinary Behaviour as part of their training to undertake a
Fellowship in Veterinary Behaviour from the ANZCVS.
- Applicants must submit a formal written application for the Grant to the Chapter (maximum word count 1000 words).
- Applicants are only eligible to be allocated the Grant once during their Residency.
- The successful applicant is requested to present at Science Week the following year it is held.
- The Grant will be administered in its entirety by the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter.

Award Criteria:
Applicants must demonstrate the following attributes:
 Involvement in the veterinary behaviour community
 Committee memberships (AVBIG and/or ANZCVS)
 Enhancement of veterinary behaviour profession
 Contribution to the veterinary community
 Presentations at conferences
 Journal clubs
 Papers/articles
 Contribution to the broader community
 Community engagement & participation
 Education

In the case of multiple eligible applicants, the grant is to be allocated at the discretion of Mr Rod
Hopkins and the Executive officers of the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter.

The value of the grant is $1000, payable as a one-off payment.
The Grant will be awarded at Science Week & presented by Mr Rod Hopkins along with a
representative member of the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter at Science Week. 

For more information, please contact the Chapter Executive.