Webinar: The First 18-Weeks
- presented by Dr Jacqui Ley |
24 Apr 2024 |
Much has been learnt recently in the fields of epigenetics, maternal health and neuroscience on how young brains develop and function in the world during the first few months. Jacqui discusses influential factors and their effects both in the young pup and on the adult dog, and provide insight as to how to apply this learning to the veterinary patients in your care. Join us for a thought-provoking and engaging presentation on contemporary literature and thinking. This webinar is aimed at Veterinary Specialists and Residents (both in Veterinary Behaviour and other specialties), Members of the Veterinary Behaviour Chapter and General Practitioner Veterinarians wishing to deepen their knowledge and grow their skills in managing their veterinary patients. To get access to this webinar, you can enrol here. |