One Welfare

 One Welfare

(Article published in the February College Courier)

The Animal Welfare Chapter has as its theme for this year's Science Week program 'One Welfare -key drivers and new technologies'. 

The concept of One Welfare recognises the interconnections between animal welfare, human wellbeing and the environment, and builds on the approach of the One Health theme with the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and solutions.

The concept of One Welfare is not new. As professionals, veterinarians routinely develop an understanding of their clients, their patients or their audience and the social contexts that influence their lives so that a veterinarian on a routine farm visit, for example, is likely able to notice, advise or pick up on something apparently unrelated to the visit. Similarly, veterinarians are trained to be sensitive to the signs of animal abuse, owner and farmer ability to care for their animals and risk factors for treatment compliance. Furthermore, veterinary ethics and legislation relating to veterinarians describe a One Welfare concept. For example the oath recited by graduates in Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney states that they will 'practise veterinary science ethically and conscientiously for the benefit of animal welfare, animal and human health, users of veterinary services and the community'.

Veterinarians, in a range of roles will need to consider animal welfare broadly in the context of where the animals live or are kept and this related human factors of the caregivers. Human factors may include knowledge, skills, ability to implement knowledge and skills, mental health and financial considerations and other stressors. There may be situations and factors beyond the scope and skill set of a veterinarian, and it is important for veterinarians to recognize when other professionals or disciplines need to consulted. Ultimately this may then lead to inter-disciplinary collaboration and developing solutions for the benefit of both animals and humans. For example; collaborating with social services or pyschologists on the complex issues of hoarding, farmer stress related livestock cruelty, indigenous health and dog management or new technologies for the owner ease of welfare monitoring. The One Welfare approach facilitates these existing and evolving inter-disciplinary approaches.

Meanwhile, there is a need to reinvigorate and emphasise concepts that have been fragmented by specialisation within the profession and the concepts of One Health and One Welfare are also useful in providing holistic approaches for multi - disciplinary funding and research. The One Health concept has led to some excellent initiatives. As veterinarians and animal welfare advocates, we can learn from other disciplines and look forward to solutions, not yet realized, to complex welfare problems.