EOI: abstract presentations SW2021

Dear Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Chapter,

The VAA chapter is currently working on our Science Week program for 2021. Our Chapter will be running an online only program this year. Details including dates and speakers are yet TBC. However, we are planning to offer an abstracts session should there be any interest from researchers wishing to present.

So that we can schedule an appropriate length of time for the abstract session, could any Fellows/Members, residents, interns, or research students (or anyone interested) wishing to present their research please respond to this e-mail by Monday 15th March (this Monday). Please note that this is an expression of interest only to determine whether you are interested in presenting or not, we do not need you abstract at this stage.

Best wishes,

Dr Jen Davis
Secretary, Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia Chapter, Australia and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS)