2024 Anaesthesia Monitoring Course

Physiological monitoring during general anaesthesia is of the utmost importance to ensure adequate oxygen delivery to vital tissues and therefore avoid harm.  Indeed, anaesthetic monitoring is associated with reduced peri-anaesthetic risk in small animals (1,2). With various international veterinary bodies (AAHA, AVCAA) releasing anaesthetic monitoring guidelines, it is imperative that veterinarians and veterinary nurses have a strong understanding of this topic. This course, run by the Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Chapter of the ANZCVS, provides high quality, clinically relevant, and practical training in all aspects of anaesthetic monitoring for dogs and cats.
Starting 5 February 2024. The course is self-paced but anticipated to take 6 months to complete.
Course Outline
This is a 6-month modular course:
1.     Anaesthetic depth monitoring
2.     Temperature monitoring
3.     Respiratory monitoring 1
4.     Respiratory monitoring 2
5.     Cardiovascular monitoring 1
6.     Cardiovascular monitoring 2
Each modules includes:
·      An online lesson with embedded video, notes, and quiz questions
·      A live interactive webinar and Q&A with the educator
In addition, the course includes:
·      Completion of two guided case reflections that will be marked with feedback provided.
·      Online theory examination
Dr Eleanor Holden (BVSc MANZCVS Dip.ECVAA) 
Eleanor graduated from the University of Queensland and initially started out in mixed practice in Victoria. After a rotating internship and cementing her interest in anaesthesia, she pursued a residency in anaesthesia and analgesia at Glasgow University in 2011. Eleanor became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (ECVAA) in 2017 and is also a member of the ANZCVS Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia Chapter. Eleanor enjoys all aspects of her work and currently works in private practice in Melbourne.
Jen graduated from Glasgow University and spent seven years working in general practice in the UK and Australia. During that time, she developed an interest in anaesthesia and analgesia, and passed ANZCVS Memberships in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Critical Care in 2011. Jen then completed a residency at Murdoch University, becoming a ECVAA Diplomate in 2015. Jen also completed two research degrees at Murdoch University, investigating the early identification of acute kidney injury in dogs. Jen works at Animalius, a private referral hospital in Perth, Western Australia. Jen particularly enjoys the anaesthetic management of critically ill small animals, and consulting in chronic pain cases.

Other VAA Chapter members who are Recognised Specialists in veterinary anaesthesia (FANZCVS, Dip.ECVAA, or DACVAA) will be involved in the examination marking and feedback

Participants / Requirements
·      Veterinary surgeons living in Australia or New Zealand
·      Registered veterinary nurses in Australia or New Zealand. Some experience is necessary (at least 3 years in small animal practice)
·      Time: we estimate the course will take 6 – 8 hours of study per month, or approximately 2 hours per week.
·      A computer with internet connection capable of video calling.
·      Veterinarian $1095 + 1.75% merchant (Credit card / PayPal) fee
·      Veterinarian with current ANZCVS Membership/Fellowship $995 + 1.75% merchant fee
·      Registered Veterinary Nurse $995 + 1.75% merchant fee
·      Registered Veterinary Nurse with current VNCA membership $895 + 1.75% merchant fee

Registration: Registrations for 2024 course are now closed. 

1.  Brodbelt DC, Pfeifer DU, Young L, Wood JL. Risk factors for anaesthetic‐related death in cats: results from the Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Small Animal Fatalities (CEPSAF). Br J Anaesth 2007; 99: 617–623.
2.  Dyson DH, Maxie MG, Schnurr D. Morbidity and mortality associated with anesthetic management in small animal veterinary practice in Ontario. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1998; 34(4): 325–335.